Announcing our Eleventh Blockzero Citizen of the Week, Sam!
Each week, we’re going to dedicate an interview-style blog by highlighting one of our standout Blockzero Citizens, giving you a moment in the spotlight. Who knows, there might even be other nifty rewards for winners down the line!
How to win? Just keep doing you. Share high-quality feedback, content, and keep going above and beyond in our dedicated Blockzero social media channels and forum. We’ll notice you!
Our Eleventh Citizen of the Week is Sam!
Sam is a Blockzero O.G, having been involved with our community since the early days of the Bomb/XIO airdrops.
He even hopped on to a livestream with Zach on the day of the Flash v2 Launch, and had a great conversation with Zach around everything from his background, how he first came across XIO, and what’s kept him hanging around and supporting the project for over two years:
Thanks again to Sam for being such a great example of what a Blockzero Citizen should represent!
Citizen of the Week Interview
Where are you from, and what do you do for a living? If you weren’t doing ______ , what would your dream job be?
Originally from St. Neot, Cornwall, UK, but spent 6 years in Sydney, Australia, where I did my PhD in Astrophysics, prior to getting a job as a Mission Director for the NASA – SOFIA Mission in California for 3 years. Now I work for a private Japanese space company who are of the first to build out a permanent presence on the Moon. It’s kinda my dream job, so wouldn’t really want to do anything else, but always keen to push the boundaries of what’s possible and go where life takes me.
What’s your favorite food? Top 3 favorite albums of all time?
What’s one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know?
What’s your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?
Mueller Hut, Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand
Favorite quote of all time?
You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. – C. S. Lewis
How did you first get into crypto?
What excites you most about the potential of the crypto/blockchain industry?
Financial accessibility, simplicity, and standardization. Identity management.
How did you first hear about XIO/Blockzero?
Was part of the BOMB airdrop from Reddit, which turned into BOMBX then XIO (I think?).