Announcing our second XIO Citizen of the Week, Dave!
Each week, we’re going to dedicate an interview-style blog by highlighting one of our standout XIO Citizens, giving you a moment in the spotlight. Who knows, there might even be other nifty rewards for winners down the line!
How to win? Just keep doing you. Share high-quality feedback, content, and keep going above and beyond in our dedicated XIO social media channels and forum. We’ll notice you.
Our second Citizen of the Week is Dave. You might recognize him as Dont’CallMeDavid on XIO’s Telegram, as he’s been extremely helpful and active in there, as well as on our Slack channel! He’s also a dedicated O.G from the BOMB days.
Without further ado, here’s the interview:
Where are you from, and what do you do for a living? If you weren’t doing ______, what would your dream job be?
I’m from the suburbs surrounding London, and I work as an editor in the tech/market research industry. At the moment, having seen how dynamic and open-minded the XIO foundation is, I wish I worked as a blockchain developer.
What’s your favorite food? Top 3 favorite albums of all time?
Fav food has to be a good ol’ curry, GbK burgers, and chocolate. I listen to a lot of instrumental music such as Immediate Music or Two Steps from Hell.
What’s one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know?
What’s your favorite place you’ve ever traveled to?
Seville in southern Spain. Absolutely beautiful and authentic city.
Favorite quote of all time?
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw
How did you first get into the crypto?
What excites you most about the potential of the crypto/blockchain industry?
How did you first hear about XIO?
I followed BOMB since the beginning, so I heard about XIO straight from Zach in 2019.