James T.
1) What should we call you?
2) Where are you from in the world?
3) What is one interesting fact about you?
I’ve helped build a DEX from scratch as well as a few other blockchain products. Since 2019 I have been working on CryptoLeagues.io
4) Outside of crypto, what is your biggest hobby?
Reading, research and recently I started playing a bit of disc golf. My startup takes a large portion of my “free” time

5) Outside of XIO/ETH/BTC, what is your favorite crypto project?
That I hold? ARK. Otherwise XMR and ADA.
6) What is your favorite movie?
7) What is your favorite book/podcast?
Influence – The power of persuasion
8) Share a link to a song you like!
9) When did you buy your first crypto?
I started working for crypto in 2017. Never bought any.
10) What is something you’re passionate about?
Decentralization, owning your own data and financial empowerment.